ebook writing

Using Written Content to your Advantage

Here we focus on ebooks. After all they are attractive and proven lead magnets for organisations of all types. Let’s investigate further.

Benefits of ebooks and why they matter

An ebook can be a mystery. Maybe, it’s never been properly defined, maybe it’s not immediately obvious as a tool for your content marketing strategy or maybe you have never investigated their value. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter as we have compiled four compelling reasons for you to consider investing in ebooks as part of your marketing efforts.

Demonstrate authority

You have taken time and trouble to research an area and present findings and insights. An e book demonstrates authority in your subject. Just make sure the subject is one that is relevant to improving your business. For example, an e-book on audience engagement is perfect for event planners as they need to keep attendees engaged. And if the ebook is written for an event technology company supplying polling technology, then that’s a perfect match.

Dive into a subject

Long form content such as ebooks enable you to go much deeper into a subject than a blog post. The size of an ebook is always subject to variation. Clients usually have their interpretations on what the size should be. However, if we recognise that a typical blog post is around 800 – 1,200 words when we compare that to a 10,000 word ebook it’s easy to see how much deeper you can go into the subject.

Interview industry leaders

Creating an ebook provides you with the opportunity to interview industry leaders and connect a variety of views. Some leaders that were unavailable for your sales calls, despite how hard you tried to connect, may become available. Asking a leader for an interview for your ebook can open a door that was previously closed to you.

Connect with your community

An ebook provides another way for you to connect with your community and clients. And because they can be read on every kind of device means you will reach the right audience for your marketing campaign.  They give you a reason to check in with your clients and offer them something of value. For example, that ebook on making your virtual event a success was just what they needed. For prospective clients, an ebook provides a good way that they can get to know more about your organisation and what you stand for.

Contact Us

Now is the time to work out where ebooks sit in your content marketing strategy. We are ready to talk to you about how we can co-create ebooks with you that will help you stand out. You can contact us by emailing info@planetplanit.biz or phoning +44 (0)74 944 55 933.


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